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yourtown prize homes

"It is our mission to enable young people, especially those who are marginalised and without voice, to improve their quality of life."

Established in 1961, yourtown is a trusted provider of services for young people, with a focus on mental health and wellbeing, long-term unemployment, prevention of youth suicide, child protection, as well as support for those experiencing domestic and family violence. we are a safe, welcoming community where everyone respects and sees value in every young person. Every young person in Australia deserves a safe place to be, where they are respected and free to be themselves without judgement. 

Kids Helpline, Parentline, child protection, domestic and family violence support, mental health support, suicide prevention and employment are all services powered by yourtown.

Yourtown Helping the Community

Long-term unemployment remains an ongoing and urgent challenge for young people across Australia.

With your support, we can power employment programs and services that help young people thrive.

We know that most young people want to work but that a range of issues can affect their entry to the workforce. And if they miss out on the opportunities to gain skills and experience in those crucial years between 15 and 24, they are at greater risk of long-term financial disadvantage, poorer physical and mental health outcomes, and decreased social participation.

With your support we can provide paid work experience, on-the-job training and holistic support to ensure young people are work-ready and can transition to sustainable employment. And your impact goes far beyond each individual who takes part in our programs. Better employment outcomes for young people have an incredibly powerful ripple effect for their families, neighbourhoods and the wider community.

Thank you for your continued belief in the potential of every young person in Australia and for helping them create the path in life they want for themselves.

so much more than just finding a job

In Queensland’s Wide Bay Region, yourtown’s Transition to Work Business Manager Dan Smith (pictured) sees young people facing down challenges of every kind, every day. 

He is passionate about ensuring young people can be the best versions of themselves, no matter what barriers stand in their way.

“We are an employment service,” he says. “But when a young person walks through our door, it’s our job to help them identify any and all barriers towards moving forward with their life and employment goals.”

yourtown’s employment programs help young people identify work opportunities, write resumes, and prepare for interviews. But they are also so much more.

“You come in and there’s a yarning circle, there’s a workshop space,” Dan says. “There’s an open kitchen with free food and drink all day. It’s a safe space for anybody, from any community, in any situation."

The Childers office has recently hosted its first onsite training program, with 13 young people completing Certificate 3 in Individual Support through a third party provider.

“Around half of them have got a lot of quite serious barriers to overcome,” Dan says. “But they’re all turning up, every day, three days a week, and they’re engaged and doing really well.”

16-year-old Ashley is one of those turning up every day to learn. “I enrolled in the Certificate 3 course and I am loving it,” she says. “I’m making friends and getting the knowledge on how I can help others.”

“I am so grateful for everything the team at yourtown has done for me.”

thank you for helping more young people in more places

The past twelve months have seen the launch of new yourtown employment and training services around Australia.

yourtown works together with young people to uncover and supercharge their strengths, providing the practical training and skills development they need to land a great job and break the cycle of unemployment.

Our youth-friendly Transition to Work teams in South East Queensland and the Wide Bay-Burnett region work alongside young people aged 15 to 24 and provide practical support to secure a job, complemented by education or training.

Get Back in the Game is an exciting intensive employment and training program for young people aged 15-19. Our teams in South Western and Western Sydney are building strong community connections with their local schools and businesses to provide personalised one-on-one support to young people navigating the transition from school to work.

At yourtown, we value young people and who they are. We take the time to listen and understand. We don’t judge or make assumptions. We encourage them to believe in themselves and their ability to map their own path in life.

Thank you for sharing our passion for helping young people thrive.

your support helps young people thrive

Demand for our services continues to grow every year, and the issues facing young people today are complex and wide-ranging.

Together we can expand the ways young people can reach us, increase our services, and meet young people where they are, when they need us.