Support Our Veterans
The RSL Art Union raises funds which allow RSL Queensland to provide much-needed assistance to Queensland's veterans and assists in funding programs for veterans throughout Australia, including:
Assistance for over 5,000 veterans every year with Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA) claims, including medical expenses, pensions, and income claims.
Hospital and home visits for 8,300 people in the veteran community each year. More than 80 low-cost, safe housing options.
Counselling and support for veterans and their families. A scholarship program for dependents and spouses of veterans seeking further education.
More than 100 school-based programs to preserve the memory of those who have served. Assistance for more than 200 veterans in Tribunal cases and appeals. Emergency financial assistance.
Bereavement assistance for defence families who have lost loved ones. Funeral services for veterans who pass away and have no known family.
For more information about the services RSL Queensland offers, click here.

How The RSL Art Union Works
The RSL Art Union is Australia's largest prize home lottery and you can buy a ticket for as little as $5.
There are ten multi-million dollar prize home draws every year. These include beautiful beach homes, multi-state apartments and house + gold packages. Plus, there's also our two Golden Treasure draws each year - your chance to win an entire apartment complex!
Our VIP members secure tickets into every prize home draw, plus two annual VIP Heroes Draws worth over $2M* in gold bullion each, as well as bonus weekly draws of $5K cash and quarterly draws of $100K cash, all exclusive to VIP Club members only.
That’s over $50 million in prizes offered to our VIP members in 2021!
Most importantly, every ticket sold helps veterans in Queensland and throughout Australia.
* Subject to State & Territory licensing approval.

How Your Support Helps
Funds raised by the RSL Art Union allow RSL Queensland to provide much-needed assistance to Queensland's veterans and assists in funding programs for veterans throughout Australia, including:
World-first research into post-traumatic stress disorder amongst veterans. The $7 million RSL Queensland PTSD Initiative has made ground-breaking discoveries about the causes, symptoms, and treatments of PTSD since 2012.
Active Lifestyle events that provide veterans and their families opportunities to take part in exhilarating activities in the great outdoors while connecting with fellow members of the defence family.
Pathways to recovery for current and ex-serving Defence Force members and their families impacted by service related injuries through Psychological services, physical rehabilitation and wellbeing, social connection activities and Skills for Recovery programs.
Trojan’s Trek peer support wilderness intervention program which assists veterans rebuild self-esteem and make positive change to thinking and behaviour.Opportunities to join the RAEMUS Rover off-road racing team and gain a greater understanding of mechanics, logistics and navigation.
Respite care at Diggers Rest, a soldier’s retreat in the Sunshine Coast hinterland which provides a place for former and current serving Defence personnel and their families to reset and reconnect.

A Tradition of Mateship
The RSL Art Union was created in the spirit of mateship following World War I. Returned veterans were finding it difficult to reintegrate into mainstream society as a result of both physical injury and the harmful mental effects of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Many veterans were living in poverty and despair.
As a way to provide a secure funding source for RSL Queensland, the RSL Art Union was created, allowing the continuation of the support programs so many veterans, and their families relied upon.
RSL Queensland commenced its first fundraising operations in 1956. Today, the RSL Art Union continues to deliver critical funding for the support of returned Queensland veterans from recent conflict, as well as those on the long journey to recovery from past deployments, in the form counselling, financial aid, accommodation, rehabilitation and much more.
Each ticket sold helps our returned Queensland veterans and their families, and assists in funding programs for veterans throughout Australia. With your continued contribution, the tradition of mateship will persevere for many more years to come.

RSL Art Union